Since 2020, telehealth services have seen many changes, but there were some significant changes to telehealth in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”) 2024 Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule. Below, we will discuss these changes in detail:

  • CMS added health and wellness coaching to the services that can be provided via telehealth on a temporary basis.
  • CMS is delaying the requirement for an in-person visit with the physician or practitioner within six months of initiating mental health telehealth services.
  • CMS is extending the current flexibility for periodic assessments for Opioid Treatment Programs (“OPT”) to be furnished via audio only through December 31, 2024.
  • CMS will continue to define direct supervision to permit the presence and immediate availability of the supervising provider to be met via real-time interactive audio/video. This extension will continue through the end of CY 2024.
  • CMS finalized an exception for residency training sites located outside of a metropolitan statistical area (“MSA”) so that the teaching physician could be present through audio/video real-time communication.
  • CMS finalized a policy to continue allowing teaching physicians to use real-time audio/video communication to be present during Resident telehealth services in all residency locations. This will be in place until the end of Cy 2024.
  • Beginning with CY 2024 CMS will begin to pay telehealth services provided to patients in their homes at the non-facility rate.
  • CMS is expanding their definition of telehealth provider to now include occupational therapists, physical therapists, speech-language pathologists, and audiologists.
  • CMS added the new Social Determinants of Health Assessment services to the telehealth list on a permanent basis.

These are just some of the notable changes for telehealth from the 2024 Final Rule. Be sure to review the complete Final Rule for yourself at the link cited below for more information.

Keeping up with the rapidly changing rules of telehealth can be exhausting. PERCS is here to help you navigate guidelines to remain compliant. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Angie Wood, CPC, Sr. Physician Auditor and Educator at or Lori Carlin, CPC, COC, CPCO, CCS, CRC, Principal, at They will be readily available to answer your questions and provide expert advice, so you are well equipped to move forward!



Federal Register: Medicare and Medicaid Programs; CY 2024 Payment Policies Under the Physician Fee Schedule and Other Changes to Part B Payment and Coverage Policies; Medicare Shared Savings Program Requirements; Medicare Advantage; Medicare and Medicaid Provider and Supplier Enrollment Policies; and Basic Health Program

Pharmaceutical, medical device, and biotechnology companies (collectively life sciences companies or “LSCs”) utilize outside ‘experts’ (“Healthcare Professionals” and “Key Opinion Leaders”, collectively “HCPs/KOLs”) to provide a wide variety of activities. HCPs/KOLs are often engaged by product marketing/sales groups known as “thought leader liaisons” or “TLLs”, and by medical affairs departments referred to as “medical science liaisons” or “MSLs”. These clinical experts are often critical to an LSC’s success. Some of the activities they perform include, speaking, product training, advisory board participation, strategic market planning, assistance with regulatory submissions, ensuring the effective utilization of products, and serving as scientific resources to the medical community. Similarly, specialized researchers are often engaged to write scientific papers, contribute their expertise to facilitate R&D activities, and provide technical support.

A significant number of HCPs/KOLs engaged by LSCs, whether as TLLs or MSLs, are focused on educating “Prescribers” (e.g., physicians, advanced practice providers, nurses, pharmacists, and others) about new drugs, devices, and treatments for identified disease states. Product manufacturers and distributors (i.e., LSCs) generally engage the services of highly qualified and experienced healthcare professionals (i.e., HCPs/KOLs) who are also Prescribers, to provide educational content to their peers. These educational presentations often range in size from small local dinner meetings to large national and international conferences where the HCP’s/KOL’s status, expertise, and level of influence are critically important in securing the attention of their peers. Therefore, regardless of the size of educational events, LSC’s must identify and engage HCPs/KOLs with the requisite level of expertise, status, and experience.


Speaker Programs

LSC sponsored speaker programs have proven to be of great value to Prescribers to learn about new medicines, devices, and treatments. Whether delivered online, at a conference, in a hospital, or at a local dinner, speaker programs offer relevant content in a convenient format. Notwithstanding, there has been some misconduct related to speaker programs as detailed in the Office of Inspector General’s (“OIG”) November 16, 2020, Special Fraud Alert: Speaker Programs.[1] For the purposes of this Special Fraud Alert, speaker programs are defined as “company-sponsored events at which a physician or other  healthcare professional (collectively, HCP) makes a speech or presentation to other HCPs about a drug or device product or a disease state on behalf of the company.” The OIG indicated these presentations, which often involve payment of an honorarium to the speaker and remuneration (e.g., free meals, attendance fees, etc.) to the attendees, present certain fraud and abuse risks pertaining to the Anti-Kickback Statute (AKS).[2] Pursuant to their investigations, the OIG indicated that one purpose of these programs is to compensate speakers and attendees as an inducement/reward for referrals. Therefore, while providing opportunities to improve patient care by educating Prescribers about new treatments, risks, and appropriate uses, speaker programs also present their own risk and potential for abuse.

The benefits and potential risks of providing speaker programs present multiple challenges for LSC’s as they navigate regulatory complexities while disseminating important information and satisfying key stakeholders. For example, medical affairs and marketing/sales groups often identify the specific HCPs/KOLs they want to engage for certain speaker programs. Furthermore, compliance departments are often provided with a short lead time before an HCP/KOL is needed for a presentation. This leaves little time for LSC compliance departments to ensure speaker content approval, vet the speaker, determine the FMV of compensation, verify appropriateness of audience, evaluate all transfers of value, and complete the other activities necessary to ensure delivery of successful and compliant speaker programs.

The value of speaker programs as educational tools for drug and device companies has been proven; however, opportunities for regulatory missteps permeate the process. For example, LSC sales representatives often receive significant bonuses based on the volume of sales their assigned Prescribers generate. In the case of the pharmaceutical industry this means that the number of prescriptions written for a particular drug determines the bonus earned by a sales representative. Whereas, in the medical device industry, bonuses might be contingent on the volume of a specific device or instrument used in related surgical procedures (e.g., knee, hip, shoulder implants, pacemakers, clamps, etc.). While not itself an offense, payment of bonuses to sales representatives based on the number of devices used or prescriptions written by the Prescribers they manage offers an incentive to sales representatives to have their Prescribers use higher volumes of a specific device or write more prescriptions. This is often accomplished by enlisting high-utilizing Prescribers as speakers. Even though it may not be the intention of the LSC to violate federal and state regulations, violations do occur. If only high prescribers are provided with speaking opportunities, then it may appear as if they are being paid for referrals.

Speaker Program Safeguards

There are certain safeguards that can be implemented by LSCs and their compliance departments to minimize risk. These include:

  • Speaker Engagement and Compensation: Since speakers are often Prescribers, risk reduction can be accomplished by (i) monitoring selection/eligibility criteria to ensure that speakers are not limited to high prescribers, (ii) determining that the arrangement is commercially reasonable. This means that every speaking opportunity for Prescribers must make business sense,[3] and (iii) ensuring that any transfer of value (e.g., hourly compensation) between the LSC and the Prescriber /speaker is within fair market value (i.e., FMV).
  • Speaker Frequency: In order to minimize risk, speaker frequency should be tracked/documented and regularly evaluated. If, for example, high Prescribers are provided with significantly more opportunities to speak than similarly qualified HCPs/KOLs, there would need to be some strong justification in the documentation to justify the difference in speaking frequency.
  • Audience Attendance: Tracking the attendees at each speaking event and ensuring that the audience is appropriate for the topic is also important for minimizing risk. Attendees should not attend more than one presentation on the same topic, especially if they receive a transfer of value (e.g., dinner, drinks, compensation). Tracking attendees, their profession/specialization, and the presentations they attend should be part of a compliance department’s standard operating procedure. Other policies and procedures should address non-qualified guests (e.g., Prescriber spouses) or inappropriate attendees (e.g., LSC employees), who should not be in attendance or counted toward the size of the audience. For example, it would not be a good fact pattern if “Dr. Jones” continually provided the same presentation (with no new data/information) multiple times to the same audience. That problem would be further compounded if Dr. Jones’ audience was the LSC’s own employees.
  • Bonus Structures: As previously indicated, the structure of bonus plans for sales representatives may itself generate non-compliant activities for increasing the number of prescriptions for drugs or devices. Behavior theory suggests that the application of reinforcement will increase a desired behavior; therefore, linking Prescriber’s referrals to sales representative bonuses may result in illicit activities. For example, speaker programs have proven to be quite an effective vehicle for channeling kickbacks to high prescribers. In fact, the Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) Compliance Program Guidance for Pharmaceutical Manufacturers[4] specifically states that LSCs should evaluate their compensation arrangements with sales representatives. According to the guidance:

Manufacturers should be aware that a compensation arrangement with a sales agent that fits in a safe harbor can still be evidence of a manufacturer’s improper intent when evaluating the legality of the manufacturer’s relationships with persons in a position to influence business for the manufacturer. For example, if a manufacturer provides sales employees with extraordinary incentive bonuses and expense accounts, there may well be an inference to be drawn that the manufacturer intentionally motivated the sales force to induce sales through lavish entertainment or other remuneration.[5]

Speaker Bureaus

The effort and resources required to effectively manage compliant speaker programs can be quite onerous. Therefore, it is not surprising that a significant number of speaker bureaus (“Speaker Bureaus”) have emerged in the U.S. and globally. These companies supplement the LSC’s workforce by off-loading some or all speaker program activities performed by compliance departments.[6] Unfortunately however, opportunities for violations of the AKS in the form of kickbacks, or incentives given to high Prescribers still exist, including speaker payments that (i) are compensated at a rate higher than FMV, (ii) require little work, but are compensated for significant preparation time, and (iii) are delivered to inappropriate audiences (e.g., very few attendees other than LSC employees, or qualified attendees who have been to the same presentation multiple times, etc.).

It is also important to note that outsourcing speaker/educational programs to a Speaker Bureau does not absolve the LSC of responsibility for ensuring all regulatory requirements are met. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the content of speaker programs is the sole responsibility of the LSC.  Furthermore, if a speaker program violates federal, state, or international laws, including the Anti-Kickback Statute (AKS),[7] the Physician Self-Referral Law (“Stark Law” or “Stark”),[8] the False Claims Act (FCA),[9]  the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act,[10] the U.K. Bribery Act,[11] or any country’s laws, the LSC, and not the Speaker Bureau, will be held liable for damages, penalties, and/or potential exclusion from doing business in a particular country. Therefore, it is important for LSCs to monitor their speaker programs even if they outsource the operational activities to a Speaker Bureau.

This is especially important for anyone involved in securing the services of an HCP/KOL in a highly competitive environment.[12] Compensation decisions need to be applied consistently and the determination of FMV must be supported by facts. This means there must be a valid and reliable methodology to quantify an HCP’s/KOL’s experience and expertise in order to accurately determine the FMV of compensation. There also must be an established methodology to monitor speaker sessions, track audiences, and verify there is no connection between speakers and the number of prescriptions they write. Often, when a speaker program is outsourced to a Speaker Bureau, it is difficult for the LSC to monitor each activity to ensure regulatory compliance. However, regular monitoring, well-defined processes, and a range of checks and balances need to be implemented and performed by the LSC to ensure their speaker programs remain compliant, regardless if they are managed by a third party. It is not sufficient for a LSC to outsource its speaker program to a Speaker Bureau and trust that all compliance requirements will be met. The LSC is ultimately responsible for regulatory compliance, not the Speaker Bureau!


Speaker Bureau Considerations

Despite their value to LSCs, outsourced speaker programs (i.e., Speaker Bureaus) can provide certain challenges to the LSC in terms of regulatory compliance. For example, experts in a particular disease state who are knowledgeable about a specific company’s products, are good speakers, and can hold the attention of an audience, are often difficult to locate. Once a Speaker Bureau finds and engages a speaker who meets the required criteria, Speaker Bureaus tends to continue to engage those speakers on a long-term basis. In many cases, there may only be a small number of clinicians/researchers available with the required expertise and experience. Therefore, Speaker Bureaus with access to these experts have a vested interest in keeping them content (e.g., sufficiently booked for speaking opportunities and compensated at a high level), as competition for their services can be intense.

In order to secure enough speaking opportunities for these individuals, Speaker Bureaus often maintain relationships with multiple LSCs providing products for similar markets. As a result, these Speaker Bureaus are in an excellent position to negotiate HCP/KOL compensation, since they know what other LSCs pay. Furthermore, maintaining access to HCPs/KOLs with rare high demand specialties requires that Speaker Bureaus secure the highest possible compensation for their services. In the current competitive market, highly qualified and skilled speakers know they are in great demand and have been successful in encouraging Speaker Bureaus to allow them to set their own compensation. The problem is that when either the speakers or the Speaker Bureaus set the honoraria/compensation, it may exceed FMV. As indicated previously, the LSC and not the Speaker Bureau is culpable for any violation of the AKS. Therefore, the LSC is responsible for ensuring that all in-house or outsourced speaker programs operate within a compliant framework.

Perhaps, even more concerning is the reality that the continual increases in compensation may not be reflected in the Open Payments database because the number of hours an HCP/KOL provides to an LSC for a given activity is not identified, only the total payment. Therefore, the use of the Open Payments data does not provide the information needed to accurately determine the FMV of compensation. This is an important point since some LSCs and compliance professionals operate under the inaccurate assumption that the Open Payments database provides definitive information necessary to determine FMV compensation. However, when there is no denominator (hours spent performing a task or activity) in the equation, an hourly compensation rate cannot accurately be determined. Notwithstanding, Open Payments data can be utilized together with established industry surveys and other sources of information to facilitate the determination of FMV compensation.

Since the government has not provided guidance on how to determine FMV, there are many different methodologies in use. If these methodologies are valid, reliable, and able to stratify HCPs/KOLs into relatively homogeneous tiers based on experience and expertise, then they are likely to be defensible. The issue associated with speaker compensation focuses on regulatory compliance with respect to the methodology used to determine compensation for Prescribers with experience and expertise that places them in the top decile of their peers.[13] When Provider compensation surveys only provide data to the 90th percentile, how much of an adjustment should be made for those HCPs/KOLs with credentials that exceed those at the 90th percentile? This is the type of question that should be left to a valuation professional who can apply significant experience and expertise to the task. By providing opinions of fair market value and commercial reasonableness for Prescribers engaged by LSCs, valuation professionals can facilitate compliant compensation arrangements between LSCs/Speaker Bureaus and speakers. Furthermore, valuation professionals can also work with LSCs and Speaker Bureaus to establish and implement compliant processes, guidelines, and procedures. These activities will all serve to mitigate the risk of non-compliance.



This paper explores the reasons speaker programs are so valuable to life sciences companies, as well as some of the pitfalls to be considered. Managing speaker programs, whether for medical liaison programs or sales and marketing groups, can be a daunting task for compliance departments. Speaker qualifications based on experience and expertise must be determined using a consistent methodology for every speaker, speaker audiences must be qualified for the presentation and their attendance must be tracked, relationships between speakers and use of company products must be monitored, speaker compensation must be commercially reasonable and within fair market value, and the frequency of speaking engagements for each speaker must be tracked and documented. The level of effort required to maintain a compliant speaker program has given rise to outsourced Speaker Bureaus that can assume all or just a portion of speaker program responsibilities. Notwithstanding, regardless of the level of responsibility assumed by the Speaker Bureau, the LSC is still culpable for all compliance related missteps and violations.

Speaker Bureaus have proven themselves to be very valuable to LSCs in locating quality speakers and managing complex logistical issues. LSC compliance departments, which are often understaffed, have bandwidth to perform other needed tasks and activities when they can outsource some or all of the responsibilities that accompany speaker programs. However, not all Speaker Bureaus are equal in following compliance related rules and regulations when engaging HCPs/KOLs and managing speaker programs. Therefore, the LSC must take an active role by remaining vigilant while monitoring the activities of their Speaker Bureau(s). There are also opportunities for Speaker Bureaus to assist LSCs in remaining compliant by (1) taking an active role in educating speakers about the importance of FMV; (2) engaging valuation professionals to provide a valid and reliable methodology for determining the FMV of compensation for HCPs and KOLs used as speakers; (3) tracking speaker audiences and ensuring they are appropriate for the topic; (4) working closely with LSC compliance departments, and (5) taking an active role in maintaining compliant speaker programs.


For more information, please contact Director Ann Brandt at


[1] Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Inspector General, Special Fraud Alert: Speaker Programs, November 16, 2020.

[2] The Anti-Kickback Statute makes it a criminal offense to “knowingly and willfully solicit, receive, offer, or pay any remuneration to induce or reward, among other things, referrals for, or orders of, items or services reimbursable by a Federal  healthcare program.” 1128B(b)(1)–(2) of the Social Security Act; 42 U.S.C. § 1320a-7b(b)(1)–(2).

[3] Absent a bona fide business need, the arrangement may not be commercially reasonable.

[4] Available at

[5] Id. at 36-37

[6] Those activities include, but are not limited to, speaker identification/contracting, verification of credentials, program marketing, attendee verification/tracking, ensuring availability of qualified substitute speakers, validating program content, tracking program spend, and supporting the LSC in complying with regulatory reporting requirements.

[7] 42 U.S.C. § 1320a-7b.

[8] 42 U.S.C. § 1395nn.

[9] 31 U.S.C. §§ 3729 – 3733.

[10] 62 Fed. Reg. 64093 (Dec. 3, 1997).

[11] 42 C.F.R. § 1001.952.

[12] Multiple LSCs and Speaker Bureaus may all be vying for the same HCPs/KOLs, which can result in a bidding war, driving compensation over FMV.

[13] The major industry standard surveys report compensation data up to the 90th percentile. Since Prescribers engaged by LSCs often represent the most qualified individuals in a particular field or specialty, adjustments are often made to available compensation data to determine FMV compensation for such individuals. We have observed adjustment factors utilized to determine FMV compensation vary widely, and that some may be very difficult to defend.


On April 10, 2024, The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released the proposed Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2025. Within the release was the proposed mandatory Transforming Episode Accountability Model (TEAM)[1]. In this article we will break down the proposed rule set forth by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI), which is a program that allows policymakers to establish and test new payment delivery and reimbursement models for both Medicare and Medicaid.

The new TEAM model would be based on five (5) 30-day surgical episodes. The mandatory hospital (participant) will continue to bill Medicare Fee-for-Service (FFS) as in prior years; however, will now receive “target pricing” for included episodes of care prior to each performance year. The model will then assess comparisons in the hospitals’ actual FFS spending through target pricing and assessment of performance in three (3) quality measures: hospital readmissions, patient safety, and patient-reported outcomes.

This is another addition to the already established mandatory payment models, including Bundled Payments for Care Improvement (BPCI), Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Advanced (BPCI-A), and Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement (CJR) models released in July 2023. It is important to note that all comments on the TEAM model are due, along with all the additional IPPS comments, on June 10, 2024.

Based on geographic regions, if the hospital is paid under the IPPS, and hospitals can obtain buy-in from other providers to agreed shared savings payments, the participants would be selected. You may ask yourself, what does this mean for me? This model is following the same cadence as the CMMI released last year, stating they wanted all traditional Medicare patients under some type of ACO [Accountable Care Organization] by 2030. The release of this model is aligning with that goal and will follow some of the same initiatives released in prior years.

When would the model start?

CMMI proposes the model will begin January 1, 2026, and last five (5) years, ending December 31, 2030. This also means that the model will not begin until after the 2024 election. Therefore, the entire model approval will depend on new leadership at CMMI starting January 1, 2025. Remember, we are still under similar bundled payment models, for example, the CJR model which does not expire until December 31, 2024).

Inclusion Criteria

CMS proposes all services included in the IPPS would be included in the episodes. At the time of admission, beneficiaries must meet all below criteria:

  • Enrolled in Medicare Part A and B
  • Not eligible for Medicare on the basis of end-stage renal disease
  • Not enrolled in ANY managed care plan (i.e., Medicare Advantage)
  • Not enrolled in any United Mine Workers of American health plans
  • Medicare must be the primary payer

The ACO Conundrum

CMMI also proposed that even if beneficiaries are aligned with another model, the episodes are still mandated to be captured under the TEAM model, meaning if hospitals are currently participating in an ACO (or other care model), they would still be required to participate. There have been many questions raised on timing with the main concern being if it’s too soon to start initiating a mandatory model when we are still in the reporting periods for the CJR and BPCI-A models. There are additional considerations solely for the ACO-based participants (hospitals) under the proposed model.

  • Waivers – There will be specific waivers under Section 1115A of the Social Security Act. These waivers are similar to the already existing waivers under episode-based payment models. CMMI proposes waiving geographic and originating site Medicare telemedicine requirements (which are currently waived through December 31, 2024) along with the requirement of beneficiaries to have a prior inpatient encounter of no fewer than three (3) consecutive days to be eligible for coverage of inpatient Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) care.
  • Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) – The model will provide two (2) Alternative Payment Models (APMs):
    • Advanced APM where individuals attest to meeting the Certified Electronic Health Record Technology (“CEHRT”) criteria for qualifying participants (QP) determinations.
    • A non-Advanced APM for participants who do not meet the CEHRT criteria.
  • Capturing Health Equity Measures – CMMI has also proposed participants would be required to screen beneficiaries for Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) in the following categories:
    • Food insecurity
    • Housing instability
    • Transportation needs
    • Utilities difficulties
    • Core-Based Statistical Area (CBSA) with average spend included under the BPCI-A data from 1/1/2022-6/30/2023. Provider clinical documentation and the buy-in of the additional participating providers in the ACOs must stratify reportable diagnosis codes.
      • Some diagnoses included in the CBSA:
        • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
        • Bronchitis
        • Asthma
        • Renal Failure
        • Sepsis
      • Risk Adjustment Normalization
        • Coefficients under the risk adjustment model will be calculated at the MS-DRG / CPT® episode level type.
        • The same age brackets for risk adjustment (<65, 65-75, 75-<85, 85>) based on the participant’s age at the first date of the episode as determined through Medicare enrollment data will be used.
        • A Hierarchical Condition Category (HCC) count risk adjustment variation. This will be considered the TEAM HCC count and will require a 90-day review for each beneficiary, starting with the day prior to the hospitalization or procedure. Following the same FFS under the BPCI-A model, HCC flags all of the FFS claims to determine how to count the HCC diagnosis codes.
        • CMS is proposing to expand risk adjustment markers that account for social risk. Even though CMS allows a 1=Y and 2=N rule, the variable would still represent the addition of the three potential markers of beneficiary social risk.
        • CMS is considering assigning a value of Y=1 for social risk adjustment variables if the beneficiary falls into a state (8th percentile) or national Area Deprivation Index (ADI), 80th percentile, and / or they qualify for Medicare Part D Low Income Subsidy (LIS).
        • CMS is proposing the provision of prospective normalization factors with target prices. The prospective normalization factor is subject to limited adjustment reconciliation and is based on the case mix, up to +/- 5%.

Health Equity and Reporting Requirements

CMMI and CMS both proposed under the TEAM model participants can report Health Equity and Reporting Requirements, which will be voluntary in the 1st performance year. In the 2nd performance year, the capture will be mandatory and they must submit a Health Equity Plan. All health equity plans must include the following:

  • Health Disparities, including preventable disease burden, injury, violence, and / or opportunities established to assist in achieving optimized health and health outcomes experienced by one or more underserved communities. This element also includes the requirement of how participants aim to reduce health disparities that are identified.
  • Health Disparities must also be noted in the plan of care, which includes:
    • Health equity goals and how the participant will use goals to monitor and evaluate progress
    • Description of health equity plan intervention strategies
    • Identification of performance measures, data sources, and equity performance
    • Establishment of measures under one or more quantitative metrics that will be used to change health disparities identified in the health equity plan interventions

What Procedures Are Included in the TEAM Model and How “Episodes” Are Defined

  • Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG)
  • Lower Extremity Joint Replacement (LEJR)
  • Surgical Hip and Femur Fracture Treatment (SHFFT)
  • Spinal Fusion(s)
  • Major Bowel Procedure(s)

Episode TypeInpatient MS-DRG(s)Inpatient MS-DRG DescriptionsOutpatient CPT® Capture
Lower Extremity Joint Replacement·        469, 470



·        521, 522

Major joint replacement or reattachment of lower extremity


Hip replacement with principal diagnosis of hip fracture

·        Total knee arthroplasty (27447)

·        Total hip arthroplasty (27130)

·        Total ankle arthroplasty (27702)

Spinal Fusion(s)·        453, 454, 455


·        459, 460


·        471, 472, 473

Combined anterior/posterior spinal fusion

Spinal fusion except cervical


Cervical spinal fusion

·        Anterior cervical spinal fusion w/decompression below C2 (22551)

·        Anterior cervical spinal fusion w/o decompression (22554)

·        Posterior or posterolateral lumbar spinal fusion (22612)

·        Posterior lumbar interbody spinal fusion (22630)

·        Combined posterior or posterolateral lumbar and posterior lumbar interbody spinal fusion (22633)

Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG)·        231, 232


·        233, 234


·        235, 236

CABG with percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty

CABG with cardiac catheterization


CABG without cardiac catheterization


Surgical Hip and Femur Fracture Treatment·        480, 481, 482Hip and femur procedures except major jointN/A
Major Bowel Procedure·        329, 330, 331Major small and large bowel proceduresN/A


Excluded Items Under the “Anchor” Procedure Defined as Unrelated

  • Hospital readmissions for specified conditions:
    • Oncology
    • Trauma
    • Organ transplant
    • Ventricular shunts
  • Major Diagnostic Categories (MDCs):
    • 02= Diseases and Disorders of the Eye
    • 14= Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Puerperium
    • 15= Newborns
    • 25= Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
  • New Technology add-on payments for drugs, Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) pass-through payments for devices classified with status indicator H
    • Included on a bill with J1 service
    • Pass-through Device Categories (Separate cost-based pass-through payment); Not subject to coinsurance
    • Paid at 85% of hospital’s usual and customary charge for the device when properly billed with another Healthcare Common Procedural Service (HCPCS) code if required under the OPPS.
  • Certain Part B payments for drugs and biologicals classified as:
    • Low Volume (billed for fewer than 31 episodes)
    • High-Cost (mean greater than $25,000.00 per episode of care)
  • Patients with hemophilia or blood clotting factors paid outside established MS-DRGs, billed on an outpatient claim, and are classified as Durable Medical Equipment (DME)

Financial Risk and Tracking Years

CMMI has proposed the TEAM “participant” and / or hospital will be financially responsible for the entire episode; moving more into the ACO realm of participation, or establishing a VBC payment model. Under the proposed rule, there are three (3) participation tracks established for “RISK”:

1All TEAM participants would only have financial benefit with a quality adjustment applied to positive reconciliationPayment Year (PY) 1·        Upside (10%) stop-gain limit

·        Composite Quality Score (CQS) up to 10% for positive reconciliation

2Limited set of TEAM participants (including Safety-Net) hospitals; now would have a two-sided financial risk with quality adjustments to reconciliation amounts

Must meet one (1) of the following criteria for eligibility:

·        Safety-Net Hospital

·        Rural Hospital

·        Medicare Dependent Hospital

·        Sole Community Hospital

·        Essential Access Community Hospital

Payment Year (PY) 2-5·        Upside / downside (10%) stop-gain / stop-loss limits

·        Composite Quality Score (CQS) up to 10% for positive reconciliation

·        Composite Quality Score (CQS) up to 15% for negative reconciliation

3*All TEAM participants have a two-sided financial risk with quality adjustments to reconciliation amountsPayment Year (PY) 1-5·        Upside / Downside risk (20%) stop-gain / stop-loss limits

·        Adjustment for CQS up to 10% for positive and negative reconciliation

*Track 3 has the highest potential for both savings and losses. There is a maximum up and downside of twenty percent (20%) of the target pricing (“Stop Gain / Stop Loss”).


Quality is KEY!

There are three (3) quality measures being proposed for the TEAM model. CMMI proposes TEAM participant quality should be linked to payment by taking the CQS and adjusting for positive or negative reconciliation amounts. CMMI also notes all quality reporting measures can be documented through existing Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting (IQR) and / or Hospital Acquired Condition (HAC) programs. There is no additional burden of submitting data. The three (3) IQR measures for ALL TEAM episodes are:

  1. Hospital-Wide-All-Cause Readmission with Claims and Electronic Health Record Data CMS Measure Inventory Tool (CMIT ID #356)
  2. CMS Patient Safety and Adverse Events Composite (CMS PSI 90) (CMIT ID# 135)
  3. Lower Extremity Joint Replacements (LEJR) episodes
    1. Hospital-Level Total Hip and / or Total Knee Arthroplasty (THA / TKA) Patient-Reported Outcome-Based Performance Measure (PRO-PM) (CMIT ID# 1618)

Additionally, CMS has proposed to establish nine (9) new HCPCS G-Codes which will describe Evaluation and Management (E/M) services provided to TEAM beneficiaries in their homes via telemedicine. If the proposed model is finalized, CMS would then specify the G-codes created for the TEAM model and add to the first performance year.

G-codeDescriptorOffice and Outpatient E/M CPT® Code
GXX01Remote E/M new patient 10 minutes99201
GXX02Remote E/M new patient 20 minutes99202
GXX03Remote E/M new patient 30 minutes99203
GXX04Remote E/M new patient 45 minutes99204
GXX05Remote E/M new patient 60 minutes99205
GXX12Remote E/M established patient 10 minutes99212
GXX13Remote E/M established patient 15 minutes99213
GXX14Remote E/M established patient 25 minutes99214
GXX15Remote E/M established patient 40 minutes99215

Referrals and Interactions with Other Providers Are Mandatory

All participants / hospitals would be required under the TEAM model to refer patients to a primary care service prior to discharge so they may ensure continuity of care, along with positive long-term outcomes. The model is also providing hospitals with an “option” to team up (ACO / VBC) with other providers to share in the financial risk / savings.


The TEAM model is aimed at improving care quality for beneficiaries with Medicare to reduce rehospitalization and recovery times of patients undergoing certain high-expenditure, high-volume surgical procedures. By initiating the TEAM model, participant hospitals will not be “accountable” for the quality and cost associated with the procedures which drive outcomes. Hospitals which are required to bill under Medicare FFS would continue to do so; however, would receive a “target” price based on non-exclusions from the Medicare Part A and B services as well as items included in the episode. If the hospital participant is below targeting price, they may have a potential to earn through the quality performance adjustment. Meanwhile, if the hospital participant is above target price, they may owe CMS a repayment for spending beyond the established target price.

It is important to remember the definition of an “episode” includes inpatient hospital services, physician services (including specialists and primary care), outpatient therapy, skilled nursing facilities, home health agencies, clinical laboratory, durable medical equipment, medications (Part B drugs and biologicals), and hospice care.

With all of the new models being released with the initiative of having all traditional Medicare patients under some type of ACO by 2030, we are going to continue to see additional models released. If you are having difficulties keeping up with the changes or would like to know how the changes will affect your organization, please contact Amy Pritchett ( or Kristen Taylor ( for a consultation.


On April 1, 2024, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”) finalized their Calendar Year (CY) 2025 rates for Medicare Advantage (“MA”) and Part D prescription drug programs. With the conversion to version 28 from version 24, along with the statement that payments from the government to MA plans will “increase” by an average of 3.70% ($16 billion) over 2024 / 2025 years, what does this mean for value-based care in general?

With the federal government expecting to pay between $500-$600 billion dollars in MA payments to private health plans in CY 2025, it appears that Medicare Advantage is getting a “bump” in payments, but how did we get here? CMS considers numerous factors to calculate the growth rates, the largest being the quarter four fee-for-service data and calculates into the ratio the updated version 28 MA risk model.

With the release of the CY 2025 Advanced Notice, below is what we can expect moving forward into 2025:


Financial ImpactAdvanced Notice CY 2025Rate Announcement CY 2025
Effective Growth Rate2.44%2.33%
Rebasing / Re-PricingBased on geographical adjustment index which was not available during the release0.07%
Change in STAR Ratings-0.15%-0.11%
MA Coding Pattern Adjustment0%0%
Risk Model (v28) Revision and Fee-for-Service Normalization-2.45%-2.45%
MA risk score trend3.86%3.86%
Expected Average Change in Revenue+3.70%+3.70%


As we can see from the financial impact of the risk model revisions and fee-for-service normalization, it appears that FFS plans are still outpacing MA plans with a reduction in the normalization rates. We must remember that beginning CY 2023 (with the October 1, 2022, updates), the HCC model significantly decreased the number of ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes that would allow for appropriate risk adjustment factor assignment. The update to v28 also constrained many of our coefficients. For the many who treat diabetic patients with complications, this significantly impacted their RAF scores. While CMS continues to phase in the updated risk adjustment model (proposed 67% of the risk score calculated on the updated 2024 model with 33% remaining calculated on the 2020 model), we are still looking at a significant decrease in shared savings for those that participate in some type of value-based care system. The MA risk score considers a “trend” in risk scores across plans and does not account for normalization or coding patterns adjusting to MA risk scores.

The 2020 and 2024 trend in CMS-HCC risk adjustment models used the CY 2024 phase-in of model 28 and blended this separately with the available 2020-2024 adjustment models. According to CMS, the risk score trend is 3.30% under the CY 2024 HCC model and 5.00% under the 2020 CMS-HCC model. CMS then takes these years and the models and “blends” the scores, which is where we land at the phase-in of 67% of MA risk score under 2024 and 33% under the 2020 models. Based on the calculations, it appears that the MA risk score trend for CY 2025 will increase to 3.86%.

Another impactful change was the MA Risk Adjustment Data Validation (RADV) Appeals Process. The final rule revised the process where MA sponsors cannot request a medical record review determination and a payment error calculation appeal at the same time. This means that MAOs must request a medical record determination through the RADV process. There is also a new requirement that if the CMS Administrator does not elect to review the medical records within ninety (90) days, the hearing officer’s decision becomes final. This means if we receive a notification by RADV, it is imperative we take heed and ensure our medical records are reviewed on time.

 The Medicare Part D (Pharmacy) Medication Therapy Management Program (MTM) finalized targeting drugs that would provide more consistent, equitable, and expanded coverage under these services. There were three (3) separate decisions that came out of the Final Rule:

  1. To add HIV / AIDS to the list of core chronic diseases. This will require sponsors to include all ten (10) core chronic diseases previously identified by CMS within the target criteria.
  2. All plan sponsors are required to include all Part D maintenance drugs and continue retaining all flexibility for Part D drugs within the targeted criteria.
  3. CMS revised the MTM cost threshold to be the same and / or similar to the average annual cost of eight (8) generic drugs under the MTM program. Unfortunately, CMS did not finalize the proposed plan to reduce the maximum number of drugs the plan sponsor can require. CMS did set the annual cost of the drugs at $1,623.00 for CY 2025.

With all of the changes culminating in CY 2025, especially with the new calculation of v28 being sixty-seven percent (67%) of our risk score calculations, staying up to date is imperative. The changes could not only affect quality, risk, and compliance but could also affect your shared-savings and Accountable Care Organizations. Please contact Amy C. Pritchett, AAPC Fellow, RAP, CRC, CPA-RA, CCS, CPMA, CPCO, CDEI, CDEO, CDEC, CANPC, CASCC, CMPM, AAPC Approved Instructor | Approved ICD-10-CM / PCS Trainer at for more information.

Recently, we have been getting questions about the new Healthcare Common Procedural Coding System (“HCPCS”) code G2211 (Visit complexity inherent to evaluation and management associated with medical care services that serve as the continuing focal point for all needed health care services and/or with medical care services that are part of ongoing care related to a patient’s single, serious condition or a complex condition).

This code went into effect for The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”) on 1/1/2024.

As you can see from the description of the code, there is a lot to unpack here. In this article, we will address some of the questions we have received.

Question: Which providers can report code G2211?
Answer: This code may be billed by any provider who can bill the outpatient evaluation and management (“E/M”) codes 99202-99215, regardless of their specialty. This includes MDs, DOs, and NPPs, such as NPs and PAs.

Question: Can specialists use G2211 for consultations since Medicare does not pay for consult codes?
Answer: If the specialist is simply seeing the patient once to render an opinion, then G2211 would not be appropriate. If the specialist is going to manage a single serious or complex condition for the patient going forward, then you could report G2211 with your new patient office visit codes (99202-99205). When the patient returns to the office for you to manage that condition you could report established office visit code (99212-99215) with G2211.

Question: Since G2211 is an add-on code, what are the primary codes that must be reported with G2211?
Answer: You must report one of the codes ranging 99201-99215 with G2211. These are the only primary codes assigned to G2211.

Question: Can G2211 be billed for any place of service?
Answer: Only the following places of service codes are applicable for G2211: 02, 10, 11, 19, or 22.

Question: Can G2211 be billed as telehealth?
Answer: G2211 is on the 2024 telehealth list.

Question: Can I bill G2211 for audio only telehealth?
Answer: You cannot bill G2211 to Medicare for audio-only telehealth because the telephone visit codes (99441-99443) are not included in the primary codes that are required to bill G2211.

Question: What are the requirements that need to be documented to report code G2211?
Currently, there are no guidelines for documenting code G2211. We recently attended a MAC webinar where the speaker indicated that Medicare would be looking at the patient’s entire record to see evidence of a longitudinal relationship with the patient over time. Their medical record should demonstrate that the provider serves as the continuing focal point for all needed health or medical care services that are part of ongoing care related to a patient’s single, serious condition or a complex condition. We do not recommend providers use a templated statement to attempt to support G2211. Best practice would be to record the relationship with the patient in the documentation for each visit.

Question: How often can I report code G2211?
Answer: As of 2024, there are no frequency limitations on code G2211.

Question: Are there additional costs to the patient for code G2211?
Answer: Code G2211 is subject to Medicare cost sharing (coinsurance and deductible). See example below:

CPT Codes2024 National Non-Facility RateCost share (20%)

We estimate the cost to the patient for a moderate level office visit with G2211. Also, we recommend that you advise your patients in advance that you will be billing G2211, and that cost sharing applies.

Question: If I perform an in-office procedure with an E/M plus modifier 25, can I also report G2211?
Answer: There are edits in place that will deny G2211 when billed with an E/M code that has modifier 25 appended to it.

Keeping up with the nuances of HCPCS coding is exhausting. Pinnacle Enterprise Risk Consulting Services (“PERCS”) is here to help you navigate guidelines and remain compliant. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Alysia Delozier, CPC, CPMA, Sr. Physician Auditor and Educator at, Angie Wood, CPC, Sr. Physician Auditor and Educator at or Lori Carlin, CPC, COC, CPCO, CCS, CRC, Principal at They will be readily available to answer your questions and provide expert advice, so you are well equipped to move forward!


Every primary care physician (PCP) in the United States should be integrated into an accountable care model. The primary objective of accountable care models is to provide all participating healthcare providers with the necessary incentives and resources to deliver top-notch, coordinated, team-based care that prioritizes health promotion. By doing so, it aims to minimize fragmentation and reduce costs for individuals and the healthcare system as a whole.

The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMS Innovation Center or “Innovation Center”) is embarking on an ambitious new strategy aimed at achieving fair outcomes through the provision of high-quality, cost-effective, person-centered care. One of its primary objectives is to ensure that by 2030, all Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in Parts A and B will be involved in a care framework that holds providers accountable for both quality and the overall cost of care.

The healthcare landscape in the United States is on the cusp of a transformative change with the introduction of the Accountable Care Organization Primary Care Flexibility (ACO PC Flex) Model. This initiative, under the auspices of CMS’s Medicare Shared Savings Program, represents a strategic move towards bolstering primary care and advancing health equity through innovative payment models. Here, we delve into the features of the ACO PC Flex Model and its potential impact on the future of healthcare.


Transforming Care Delivery – A New CMS Program

The ACO PC Flex Model is a visionary approach aimed at revolutionizing primary care delivery by transitioning from traditional fee-for-service payments to more dynamic and supportive financial structures. This model provides a two-pronged financial incentive: the Prospective Primary Care Payment (PPCP) and a one-time Advanced Shared Savings Payment. These are designed to ensure a steady funding stream that supports proactive, team-based, and person-centered care, essential for improving health outcomes and enhancing care quality.


Innovative Payment Structures – Primary Care Payments in Advance

At the heart of the ACO PC Flex Model is the PPCP, a novel payment mechanism that includes a County Base Rate along with an Enhanced Amount for delivering enhanced primary care services. This prospective payment system allows ACOs to plan and execute more effective and efficient care strategies, tailored to the needs of their specific patient populations. Moreover, the one-time Advanced Shared Savings Payment helps new and renewing ACOs cover setup or operational costs, encouraging the formation and sustainability of ACOs within the Shared Savings Program.


Advancing Health Equity

A central aim of the ACO PC Flex Model is to address and reduce healthcare disparities through enhanced primary care services. By facilitating a flexible payment approach and targeting safety net providers, the model seeks to channel resources more effectively to underserved populations, thereby improving overall health equity.


Looking Forward

Set to commence on January 1, 2025, the ACO PC Flex Model marks a significant stride towards reshaping Medicare and redefining primary care in America. By fostering stronger accountable care relationships and prioritizing funding for primary care, this model not only aims to enhance the efficiency of healthcare delivery but also to ensure that care is more inclusive, equitable, and patient-centered.

With these Advance Primary Care funds, we also encourage PCPs to think of outside-the-box approaches to bolster relationships and partnerships with specialists and facilities throughout the healthcare spectrum. The objective is to facilitate collaboration across all healthcare sectors, ensuring the delivery of appropriate care to the right patient at the right time.

As we anticipate the rollout of this model, the healthcare sector is poised to witness a paradigm shift that could set a new standard for how primary care is funded, delivered, and managed in the Medicare ecosystem. This ambitious initiative represents a pivotal step in the journey towards a more sustainable and equitable healthcare system, underscoring CMS’s commitment to improving the health landscape across the nation.


Next Steps – How Can You Participate?

To be eligible for the Flex Model, low-revenue ACOs (defined under 42 CFR § 425.20) and those serving rural or underserved areas with an emphasis on enhancing healthcare access, outcomes, and engagement must apply to join the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP). New or renewing ACOs must express their interest in participating in Phase 1 of the application process for the agreement period starting January 1, 2025.

The application process for the MSSP is divided into two phases. Phase 1 begins on May 20, 2024, and ends on June 17, 2024. During this initial phase, ACOs submit preliminary information. They will then provide additional details in Phase 2, which is set to open on October 18, 2024, and conclude on October 29, 2024.


Want CMS to cover start up and infrastructure costs? Let Pinnacle help you with your Primary Care Flex Model supplemental application.

Some important dates to always keep in mind:

  • May 20: ACO Application Begins – Make sure you start working on registering on the ACO Management System Portal to begin your application!
  • August 1: This is the final opportunity to add ACO participants and/or SNF affiliate TINs.
  • September 5: This is the final opportunity to withdraw ACO participants and/or SNF affiliate TINs.


Let us help you navigate the ACO application process and VBC strategy along with policy changes. For more information, please contact:

  • Kelly Conroy at 561-385-7566 or, or
  • Daniela Yusufbekova, MHA, PMP at 561-445-8303 or, or
  • Zach Maher, MBA at 720-432-6422 or

Additional Resources:

If you have questions about how to properly bill Medicare for bilateral procedures, the National Correct Coding Initiative (“NCCI”) policy manual has your answers. Starting on page 30 of chapter 1 of the 2024 NCCI manual, they give detailed instructions.


Step one – Look your code up in the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Database (“MPFSDB”). Don’t know where to find the MPFSDB? No worries, we have you covered. The most direct way is to go to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (“CMS”) website and use their Fee Schedule Tool which is included the references section below. Follow these steps to pull up your fee:

    1. Click on the button that reads “begin search.”
    2. Click “accept” on the CMS disclaimer.
    3. Select the year for your date of service.
    4. Select “payment policy indicators” for type of information.
    5. Select single HCPCs code for HCPCs criteria.
    6. Enter your HCPCs code.
    7. Select all for modifiers.
    8. Then hit the search fees button.


Step two – Once you get your search results for your code, look at the BILT SURG column to see what the bilateral indicator is.

  • Bilateral indicator of “0” – Only “1” unit can be billed regardless of whether the procedure is performed bilaterally or unilaterally. Procedure code should not be reported with a 50 or RT/LT modifier.
    Code 71045 (X-ray exam chest 1 view) has a bilateral indicator of “0.” Report on one line with one unit. Do not append modifiers 50, RT or LT.
  • Bilateral indicator of “1” – Billing depends on whether it is a surgical or diagnostic procedure.
    • For surgical procedures – report 1 unit with modifier 50.
      Code 20610 (Drain/inj joint/bursa w/o us) has a bilateral indicator of “1.” Report on one line as 20610-50 x 1 unit.
    • For diagnostic procedures – You have two options. You can either report 1 unit with modifier 50 or you can report on two lines with 1 unit on each line. Append modifier RT on the first line and modifier LT on the second line.
  • Bilateral indicator of “2” – Report on one line with one unit, but the procedure will be priced as bilateral.
    Code 31231 (Nasal endoscopy, diagnostic, unilateral or bilateral) has a bilateral indicator of 2. If performed bilaterally you would report 31231 with 1 unit and no modifier. The payment of the code is set as though the procedure is bilateral.
  • Bilateral indicator of “3” – Billing will depend on whether it is a surgical or diagnostic procedure.
    • For surgical procedures – report 1 unit with modifier 50.
    • For diagnostic procedures – You have three options.
      1. You can report with 2 units on one claim line – for example: 70030 x 2 units.
      2. You can report with 1 unit on one claim line with modifier 50 – for example: 70030-50 x 1 unit.
      3. You can report on 2 claims lines with one unit each with modifier RT on the first line and modifier LT on the second line. As in these two examples:
        70030- RT x 1 unit (first line)
        70030-LT x 1 unit (second line)
  • Bilateral indicator of “9” – Concept does not apply.


Because MAC guidelines may vary, always check with your MAC for their specific rules.


Keeping up with the nuances of NCCI edits can be exhausting. PERCS is here to help you to remain compliant. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Angie Wood, CPC, Sr. Physician Auditor and Educator at or Lori Carlin, CPC, COC, CPCO, CCS, CRC, Principal, at They will be readily available to answer your questions and provide expert advice, so you are well equipped to move forward!



Fee Schedule Look Up Tool:

In this series of articles on the National Correct Coding Initiative (“NCCI”) Policy Manual, we have discussed procedure to procedure (“PTP”) edits and medically unlikely edits (“MUE”), but were you aware that NCCI also has add-on code (“AOC”) edits?

Add-on codes are codes that should not be reported alone. They will always be billed as an “add on” to a primary code. The Current Procedural Terminology (“CPT”) manual will indicate add-on codes with a “+” sign.  They may also give a list of primary codes that the add-on code can be reported in addition to.

Most add-on codes are not included in NCCI’s PTP edits because their primary codes would be listed instead.  However, CMS does have add-on code edits they publish which are updated quarterly and can be downloaded using the link provided in the references below.

There are three types of add-on code edits:

  1. Type 1 – These add-on codes will follow CPT/HCPC’s acceptable primary codes. Medicare administrative contractors (“MAC”) should not allow any other primary codes. An example of this is 99292 (Critical care, evaluation, and management of the critically ill or critically injured patient; each additional 30 minutes).  In the CPT manual, only 99291 is listed as a viable primary code.
  1. Type 2 – For these add-on codes, CPT/HCPCs have not designated specific primary codes. MACs are permitted to determine whether these codes can be primary codes. An example of this is code 38747 (Abdominal lymphadenectomy, regional, including celiac, gastric, portal, peripancreatic, with or without para-aortic and vena caval nodes).  CPT does not specify a list of primary codes that must be billed with 38747. Therefore, your MAC gets to decide whether they will pay a certain primary code with this add-on code. This may require you to submit documentation to support both codes.
  1. Type 3 – For these add-on codes, CPT/HCPCs have = designated some but not all the possible primary codes. Medicare contractors should allow the CPT/HCPC’s designated primary codes but also create their own list of other acceptable primary codes. An example of this is code 20701 (Removal of drug-delivery device(s), deep). Your MAC would allow the primary codes listed in the CPT manual but would also have a list of their own acceptable primary codes.

As you can see, understanding the type of AOC edit is crucial to determining how to properly code add-on services and how to respond to add-on code denials.

Keeping up with the nuances of NCCI edits can be exhausting.  PERCS is here to help you to remain compliant.  If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Angie Wood, CPC, Sr. Physician Auditor and Educator at or Lori Carlin, CPC, COC, CPCO, CCS, CRC, Principal, at . They will be readily available to answer your questions and provide expert advice, so you are well equipped to move forward!


Introduction & Background


Following the enactment of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) in March 2010, the healthcare industry has experienced a major shift in its reimbursement and payment structure. While the United States healthcare system had historically operated under a fee-for-service (FFS) model, the PPACA initiated a notable shift to value-based care (VBC). Under the traditional FFS model, providers are paid separately for each medical service. Because of this structure, the FFS model has been characterized as a ‘volume-based’ payment model, under which healthcare expenditures notably increased. Many argue that this outcome was inevitable given that the FFS model incentivizes physicians to provide more treatments. In this way, industry experts characterize the FFS model as dependent on the quantity – rather than the quality – of care.

On the other hand, a VBC model delivers healthcare through a structure that pays providers based on the quality of services rendered. These providers – whether physicians, hospitals, labs, advanced practice providers (APPs), or other – are therefore reimbursed based on the health outcomes of their patients rather than on the volume of services rendered. According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), VBC can be described as “designing care so that it focuses on quality, provider performance and the patient experience.”[1] Several different models have been developed to deliver VBC, including accountable care organizations (ACOs), alternative payment models (APMs), care coordination, and integrated care, among others. As this area of healthcare delivery continues to evolve, additional models continue to develop – one of which is known as the AHEAD model.

The AHEAD model – which stands for All-Payer Health Equity Approaches and Development (AHEAD) – is a voluntary, state total cost of care (TCOC) model. According to CMS, TCOC is defined as “the process of holding participating states accountable for quality and population health outcomes, while constraining costs of healthcare services delivered in a state or specified sub-state region.”[2] As applied by CMS, this process occurs across all payers, including Medicare, Medicaid, and private health insurers. Put simply, TCOC represents total spending on healthcare. The AHEAD Model aims to reduce these healthcare costs while also improving health outcomes. Outlined in the following sections are notable components of the AHEAD Model, key considerations, and how VBC experts can help.


Model Overview


The AHEAD Model, which is anticipated to operate from 2024 through 2034, provides an opportunity for states to take accountability for population health, health equity improvements, and FFS TCOC. Under the Model – which expects to improve health outcomes and quality – states will collaborate with hospital and primary care providers (PCPs) to “redesign care delivery to focus on keeping people healthy and out of the hospital.”[3]

According to CMS, its stated objective with the AHEAD Model is to:

  • Collaborate with states to curb healthcare cost growth;
  • Improve population health; and,
  • Advance health equity by reducing disparity in health outcomes.[4]

In accordance with this objective, CMS will support states participating in the AHEAD Model through:

  • Increasing investment in primary care;
  • Providing stability for hospitals; and,
  • Supporting beneficiary connection to community resources.[5]

Under the AHEAD Model’s TCOC approach, participating states will assume responsibility for managing healthcare quality and cost across payers. CMS indicates that the primary goal of the AHEAD Model is “improving healthcare outcomes and health equity for all residents within a participating state or region.”[6]

While it builds on the work of existing state-based models, CMS reports that the AHEAD model is different because it will implement the AHEAD Model concurrently across multiple states. CMS anticipates that the AHEAD Model will enable participating states to increase investment in primary care while also constraining TCOC growth. Overall, CMS wishes for the AHEAD Model to encourage a “state-level, multi-sector approach to care, advancing health equity and thereby improving population health outcomes, and coordinating resources to address underlying factors that contribute to disparities in health outcomes in underserved communities.”[7] In effect, the AHEAD Model will test state accountability for controlling overall growth in healthcare expenditures – while increasing investment in primary care and improving population health outcomes within a participating state or state region.

Application Process

States that wish to participate in the AHEAD Model can take part in the application process which begins in Spring 2024. Applicants must apply to the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) which was released in late 2023. According to CMS, it expects to award cooperative agreements to up to eight states across two application periods. For those states applying to participate in the AHEAD Model, they must select one of three cohorts depending on their level of readiness for implementation. These three cohorts and the associated key considerations for each are as follows:

  • Cohort 1:
    • Pre-Implementation Period – 18 months, tentatively July 2024 – December 2025
    • Readiness – State is ready to apply and implement the AHEAD Model as soon as possible
    • Performance Years – Will tentatively begin January 2026, with a total of nine performance years
  • Cohort 2:
    • Pre-Implementation Period – 30 months, tentatively July 2024 – December 2026
    • Readiness – State is ready to apply to the AHEAD Model but requires additional time to prepare for implementation (e.g., developing Medicaid components, recruiting healthcare providers for participation, developing data infrastructure, etc.)
    • Performance Years – Will tentatively begin January 2027, with a total of eight performance years
  • Cohort 3:
    • Pre-Implementation Period – 24 months, tentatively January 2025 – December 2026
    • Readiness – State needs additional time to apply
    • Performance Years – Will tentatively begin January 2027, with a total of eight performance years[8]

While the AHEAD Model plans to function for 11 years (i.e., 2024 through 2034), CMS will provide funding to chosen states for up to six years in support of participation. Specifically, CMS plan to award each participating state a maximum of $12 million with performance periods beginning in either January 2026 or January 2027, depending on cohort. According to CMS, it is testing the AHEAD Model over a longer period (to end in December 2034) to allow appropriate time for primary care investment and enhanced care coordination with a goal of resultant improved health with less spending.

Requirements & Participation Targets

The AHEAD Model’s general objective is to improve health outcomes across multiple states. Key strategies to achieve this objective include:

  • An All-Payer Approach;
  • Medicaid Alignment;
  • Behavioral Health Integration;
  • Equity Integrated Across the Model; and,
  • Accelerating Existing State Innovations.[9]

The financial support provided by CMS for the selected states will be provided via Cooperative Agreement (CoAg) Funding. This funding, along with primary care AHEAD initiatives and hospital global budgets (HGBs – wherein hospitals receive a pre-determined, fixed annual budget), comprise the key components of the AHEAD Model. In order to be eligible for AHEAD Model participation, applicants must have “at least 10,000 resident beneficiaries enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B residing in the applicant state or sub-state region.”[10] Eligible AHEAD Model applicants must have the authority to accept the CoAg Funding (e.g., state Medicaid agency, state public health agency, state insurance agency). CoAg awards differ from grants in that CoAg funding has a substantial degree of federal involvement in carrying out the funded activity (i.e., as opposed to the type of administrative requirements imposed). With regard to the AHEAD Model, the NOFO stated specific parameters around the manner in which the CoAg funding can be used. The funding is generally intended to support model planning and implementation activities, including:

  • Recruiting primary care providers and hospitals to participate in the model;
  • Setting statewide TCOC cost growth targets and primary care investment targets;
  • Building behavioral health infrastructure and capacity;
  • Supporting Medicaid and commercial payer alignment;
  • Hiring new staff to support the model;
  • Investing in new technology;
  • Supporting demographic data collection; and,
  • Developing Medicaid HGB methodology.[11]

While the above list is not an exhaustive description of CoAg fund usage, it provides examples that aim to promote appropriate planning and implementation of the AHEAD Model. If successful, applicants will receive a Notice of Award (NoA) which authorizes the CoAg.

For those states selected, operational milestones that must be met prior to certain performance years (PY) as part of the CoAg include:

  • State Agreement Negotiation and Signature by State Leadership and CMS
    • Execution of State Agreement – 6 months prior to PY1
  • Creation and Implementation of All-Payer TCOC and Primary Care Investment Targets
    • Creation of Targets – 90 days before PY1
    • Finalization of Targets – 90 days before PY2
  • Successful Recruitment of Hospitals to Participate in Medicare FFS HGBs
    • Hospitals Agree to Participate – 10% of Medicare FFS Net Patient Revenue (“NPR”) Would be Under Medicare FFS HGBs by PY1
    • Hospitals Agree to Participate – 30% of Medicare FFS NPR in an HGB for PY3 for each subsequent PY


  • Implementation of Medicaid Primary Care APM
    • Implementation of Medicaid Primary Care APM with Participation from Primary Care Practices by the beginning of PY1
  • Implementation of Medicaid HGBs
    • Implementation of Medicaid HGB by the end of PY1
  • Commercial Payer Alignment with HGBs
    • At Least One Commercial Payer Participating in HGBs by the start of PY2

While these milestones will be included in the CoAg, precise dates will be dependent on the NOFO for which a state is applying.

Additional Detail & Notable Issues


While the AHEAD Model and its requirements are numerous, several key considerations are worth noting. As such, we have outlined below additional detail and notable topics to provide as much information as possible.[12] While additional relevant information on each of the below subjects is available, outlined below are an overview of each.

  • Implementation Context – the AHEAD Model can be implemented both for managed care and FFS Medicaid populations.
  • Data Collection and Sharing – participating states must collect and report statewide quality, health equity, and all-payor TCOC and primary care investment performance data.
  • Establishment of Quality Measures – participating states will select a set of quality and population health measures from a menu of options provided by CMS. States will set specific targets for each selected measure (subject to CMS approval).
  • Individual Beneficiary Experience – at the provider level, hospitals will use the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) survey, which assesses an individual’s care experience.
  • State Performance Assessment – CMS will assess state performance on generated savings relative to the state’s projected TCOC growth absent the model. Each participating state will be responsible for certain growth and investment targets.
  • Health Equity – participating hospitals and primary care practices will be required to collect demographic and social needs data which will be used to identify health disparities and measure progress toward improvement. HGBs will be adjusted based on improvements in equity of health outcomes and quality of care.
  • Behavioral Health – participating primary care practices will be required to engage in behavioral health integration activities as a component of Primary Care AHEAD care transformation requirements.
  • State Funding Sustainability – interested states should develop a detailed sustainability plan; and, CMS recommends that states consider strategies to sustain funding and AHEAD Model activities throughout the implementation period.
  • Simultaneous Participation – CMS models and programs that can concurrently operate within an AHEAD state or sub-state region (which certain conditions and restrictions) include:
    • ACO Realizing Equity, Access, and Community Health (ACO REACH)
    • Cell and Gene Therapy (CGT) Access
    • Guiding an Improved Demetia Experience (GUIDE)
    • Innovation in Behavioral Health (IBH)
    • Medicare Shared Savings Program
    • Primary Care First

Models that cannot concurrently operate within overlapping geographic regions include:

  • Making Care Primary (i.e., MCP)
  • Transforming Maternal Health (TMaH)
  • Hospital and Health System Participation – during the NOFO period, hospitals and health systems can consult with applicable state agencies to inform of their intent to participate in the AHEAD Model. During the AHEAD Model, they can participate in HGBs as a mechanism to improve care delivery and population health.
  • Benefits for Participating Hospitals – Participating hospitals will benefit from (i) stable funding through HGBs, (ii) technical assistance and learning activities, (iii) use of benefit enhancements to support care redesign efforts, and (iv) potential realized savings from reductions in avoidable utilization and increased delivery efficiency.
  • Development and Use of HGBs – the AHEAD Model will implement Medicare FFS and Medicaid HGBs, while encouraging increased commercial payer alignment. States will be required to develop a Medicaid HGB methodology, subject to CMS approval. These HGBs must be implemented in PY1, after the pre-implementation period.
  • Reduction in Financial Risk for Participating Hospitals – CMS (i) will provide voluntary participation hospitals with upfront financial investments, (ii) has designed the Medicare FFS HGB methodology to incentivize early participation in the model, and (iii) may approve additional Medicaid flexibilities to reduce untended risk to participating hospitals.
  • Complete and Quality Care Under HGBs – The purpose of state and hospital accountability for TCOC growth, quality, and population health outcomes under the AHEAD Model is meant to ensure patients benefit from enhanced quality and access (i.e., not reduced care). HGBs incentivize: (i) keeping patients healthy and out of the hospital, (ii) reducing complications during hospitalization, and (iii) better care coordination to prevent readmissions. HGBs will be adjusted over time to account for factors such as changes in the patient population, services provided, and performance in quality, health equity, TCOC, and other metrics.
  • TCOC Accountability – the TCOC targets will be negotiated between CMS and each participating state (or state region) during the pre-implementation period. Hospitals voluntarily participating in Medicare FFS global budgets are accountable for Medicare FFS TCOC for patients residing in their service area through a performance adjustment to the global budget. Hospital accountability for TCOC performance will be phased in over the course of the model, starting with upside-only risk for participating hospitals.
  • Primary Care Strategies – the AHEAD model incorporates lessons learned from existing state-based models and its framework will allow states to leverage existing state innovations while testing a suite of new interventions across all states. The AHEAD Model differs from previous models in three specific ways:
    • It establishes a specific goal of increasing statewide primary care investment in proportion to the TCOC;
    • It pairs HGBs with advanced primary care; and,
    • It offers a flexible framework to implement advanced primary care alignment with the state’s existing Medicaid primary care program activities.
  • Primary Care Practice Participation – primary care practices with an interest in participating in the AHEAD Model can consult with the applicable state agency eligible to apply. To be eligible for participation in Primary Care AHEAD, practices must participate simultaneously in the state Medicaid advanced primary care program or Primary Care Medical Home (PCMH).
  • Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) Participation – FQHCs are eligible to participate in Primary Care AHEAD and will do so in the same way as non-safety net primary care practices.
  • Benefits of Primary Care Participation – participating primary care practices will receive flexible, prospective, and enhanced payments which are meant to increase capacity for delivering advanced primary care services for attributed Medicare Part B patients.
  • Required Criteria for Medicaid Primary Care APM or PCMH – each applicant’s Medicaid primary care APM or PCMH program should focus on enhanced care coordination services, including behavioral health integration and health-related social needs interventions.


Key Takeaways


CMS’ AHEAD Model, a TCOC model for states that will operate for 11 years, aims to achieve strategic goals that include improving population health, curtailing growth in healthcare costs, and furthering health equity. The AHEAD Model leverages existing state models and will be implemented via three cohorts, each with applicable requirements and time periods. While it requires certain infrastructure enhancements, the model provides upfront investments, resources, and tools to aid in success. Like other VBC models, the AHEAD Model aims to transition from traditional FFS payments to value-based payment structures with measurable results. These intended consequences include improved patient outcomes, lessened costs, and increased health equity. While the model includes planning and reporting requirements, incentives for participation and the opportunity to improve healthcare delivery are numerous.

The AHEAD Model represents a simultaneous effort across multiple states and extends beyond Medicare to encompass a multi-payer approach. This type of alignment across multiple payers represents a key component in promoting comprehensive, high-quality primary care across diverse patient populations and serves to manage costs, hospitalization rates, and aggregate patient outcomes. As applicable states begin to move through the pre-implementation process, additional investment and resources will be required.

Should you have any questions regarding the AHEAD Model or other VBC opportunities, please reach out to Principal Kelly Conroy at

[1] As reported at

[2] As reported at

[3] As reported at

[4] As reported as

[5] Ibid.

[6] Ibid.

[7] Ibid.

[8] Ibid.

[9] As reported at

[10] Ibid. CMS further notes that states participating in Making Care Primary (MCP) statewide may not participate in the AHEAD Model. If MCP operates only in a sub-state region of a state, the state may apply to participate in a different sub-state region, as long as there is no geographic overlap.

[11] As reported at

[12] As reported at

In part one we discussed procedure to procedure (“PTP”) edits. In this article we will discuss Medically Unlikely Edits (“MUEs”).


The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”) defines an MUE as “the maximum units of service reported for a HCPCS/CPT code on the vast majority of appropriately reported claims by the same provider/supplier for the same beneficiary on the same date of service.”


There are two types of MUEs, Claim line MUEs and date of service MUEs. This may just sound like semantics, but it really matters.


A claim line MUE is adjudicated based on the units billed on the line item of the claim. The Medicare Administrative Contractor (“MAC”) is specifically looking to see how many units were billed for that CPT or HCPCS code on that particular line item. In contrast, date of service (“DOS”) MUEs are adjudicated based on how many units of a given CPT or HCPCS code are billed by the same provider to the same patient on the same day. This means they will look at data across all claims billed by that provider for that patient on that DOS. They will sum up the units for that specific CPT or HCPCS code and then compare it to the MUE.


CMS updates all NCCI edits (including MUEs) once a quarter. We have provided a link below so you can download the file from the CMS website. You can use this file to determine what type of MUE edit your code has and what the maximum units are.


You will want to become familiar with the MUE Adjudication Indicators (“MAIs”) to properly utilize the MUE files.


1This is a line item edit.If documentation supports the units you have billed, you can use modifiers like 59 or anatomical modifiers on separate lines of the claim to get your units paid.
2Absolute date of service edit.No real recourse. MACs are restricted from overriding these edits during processing, reopening or redetermination.
3Per day edit based clinical benchmarks.If your documentation supports the units billed, the MAC can bypass the MUE during processing, reopening or higher-level appeal.


Let’s walk through a few examples.


Code 44950 Appendectomy has an MAI of 2 and an MUE of 1. This indicates the MUE for 44950 is an absolute per day MUE. We can only bill 1 unit of 44950. The MAC will look across all claims for this patient by the provider on this DOS and if they see more than one unit of 44950 billed, they will deny any units over 1. You cannot appeal to the MAC to review this because CMS does not allow them to pay more than 1 unit period. The MUE for 44950 is based on anatomical consideration since there is only one appendix.


Now, let’s look at a code that has an MAI of 3. CPT code 71045 Radiologic examination, chest; single view has an MAI of 3 and an MUE of 4. This means only 4 units of 71045 can be billed per date of service, per provider for a patient. However, if the clinical documentation supported medical necessity for 5 units, you could appeal to your MAC to review the initial determination and override the edit.


The NCCI manual has a lot of great information on how to properly bill units which should encourage you to keep up with all the updates. It also details how to properly report bilateral procedures. Be on the lookout for our next article where we will discuss this in detail.


Keeping up with all the nuances of NCCI edits can be exhausting. PERCS is here to help you remain compliant. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Angie Wood, CPC, Sr. Physician Auditor and Educator at or Lori Carlin, CPC, COC, CPCO, CCS, CRC, Principal, at They will be readily available to answer your questions and provide expert advice, so you are well equipped to move forward!

